Learning Disability

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Learning Disability Care

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What Is Autism?

Autism is a developmental condition which can cause a wide range of issues around how a person communicates and interacts with others. There are various names used to describe autism and related conditions, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC), Asperger Syndrome or Asperger’s. It is thought that upwards of 1 in 100 people are on the autism spectrum. Although the exact causes of Autism aren’t known, it is widely believed that both genetic and environmental factors have a role.

Carefully Recruitment provides a flexible range of nursing and residential care options across the Uk for those with learning disabilities including autism, Asperger’s syndrome and challenging behaviors.

Carefully Recruitment Ltd care options for those with learning difficulties can consist of different levels of nursing and residential care as required or assistance and care support in helping individual client to lead an independent life in nursing and residential homes.

Carefully Recruitment can provide assistance in the following areas:
      • Companionship
      • Day or night care
      • Day trips
      • Shopping excursions
      • Medical appointments and schedules
      • Meeting friends and family
      • Accompanying and participating in interests, hobbies or sports
      • We are also able to provide assistance where specialist learning disability care is required including:
      • Challenging behaviours
      • Autism
      • Asperger’s syndrome
      • Sensory impairment
      • Communication needs
      • Complex health needs

Carefully staff are very experienced and highly trained in providing care and support for those with learning difficulties. If you would like to find out more about our learning disability care services please contact us.

How can an autism/learning disability carer help?

Our carer can offer your client in their various nursing and residential homes support which enables anyone with autism or a learning disability to live a healthy, interesting and rewarding life:

      • Practical, domestic and medical support.
      • Help maintain positive relationships.
      • Foster confidence in social situations.
      • Communicate in ways that are effective.
      • Companionship to build confidence.
      • Consistent structure and routines.

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Uk address: 71 Green Park Road, Southampton, Hampshire